EbA project will be implemented in 13 political regions of Namibia. The project is covering eight(8) landscapes and shall be implemented through three components .
Development and implementation of climate change resilient ecosystem management and production practices that reduce the vulnerability of communities
Development and implementation of climate change resilient ecosystem management and production practices that reduce the vulnerability of communities
Increase the resilience of productive landscapes to support ecosystem goods and services that improves livelihoods for local communities
Increase the resilience of productive landscapes to support ecosystem goods and services that improves livelihoods for local communities
Documentation, dissemination and uptake of lessons learned
Documentation, dissemination and uptake of lessons learned
The main activities of the project is to:
- • Create awareness on EbA concepts
- • Capacitate and empower more than 100 000 civic and civil partners
- • Develop landscape management strategies and investment plans
- • Allocate and support a minimum of 30 grants to resident communities of the eight landscapes
- • Secure 3501 sustainable climate resilient jobs by funding eco enterprises with the project target regions
- • Consult ,craft and develop EbA policy and strategy for Namibia
- • Empower more than 50% of women on EbA concepts in target landscapes
Impact Areas:
Overall, the project
- • Will increase the capacity, skills and livelihood alternatives of communities, which in turn diversify and stabilize local economies thus creating new possibilities for sustainable growth under changing climatic conditions.
- • By the end of the project there will be a greatly increased supply of products/benefits from natural ecosystems within the eight targeted landscapes.
- • Additional benefits from the project’s EbA interventions is the upscaling potential, once the paradigm shift is achieved across the country the implementation of EbA over hundreds of thousands of hectares across the Southern African Region.
- • The project will contribute to reduction in poverty and inequality through building community resilience to climate change-induced natural disasters, which will ultimately reduce loss and increase human productivity. This will be achieved through increased capacity of communities in the face of disaster and community risk in eight productive landscapes of Namibia’s communal areas where the majority is poor and therefore highly vulnerable communities reside.
- • The project activities will directly contribute towards reducing the risks of hazards through advocating for a sustainable solution of the root-causes of climate change on ecosystems. It will be implemented with a rights-based approach of development in these landscapes at the scale of various ecosystems following the approach of Ecosystems-Based Adaptation (EbA).
- • Poor and marginalised peoples’ rights and demand for safe life and livelihoods, including participation in the issues that affect their lives i.e. climate change resilience will be focused on through social mobilisation, solidarity building and knowledge management.
- • The project integrates crosscutting issues like gender, environment, governance and poverty, has a multi-stakeholder focus and promotes linking and learning.