

Restoration of sensitive and degraded ecosystems


Wetland rehabilitation and resources management


Veld fire management

Our Objective

Increase climate change resilience of productive landscapes in Namibia.

Through implementation of ecosystem based adaptation actions that strengthen social and ecological systems to sustain livelihoods at local level and facilitate value chains of natural resources.

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We aim to empower more than 100 individuals who promote the integration of climate change risk into spatial planning and land allocation processes and secure 3,501 sustainable climate resilient jobs.

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Latest news

Ecosystem-based Adaptation Launched

EbA (SAP006) is called “Building resilience of communities living in 8 landscapes threatened under climate change through an ecosystem-based adaptation approach in Namibia was officially launched by the Honourable Pohamba Shifeta, Minister of Environment, Forestry and Tourism on the 6th November 2020, Keetmanshoop, //Kharas Region.

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The Environmental Investment Fund of Namibia (EIF) hosts two-day Ecosystems Based Adaptation (EbA) National Inception Workshop

In line with its accreditation to the Green Climate Fund (GCF), The Environmental Investment Fund of Namibia (EIF) received grant funding approval for the project entitled “Building resilience of communities living in landscapes threatened under climate change through an ecosystem based adaptation approach in Namibia at the GCF 22nd Board meeting in February 2019, and is referred to by its shortened acronym SAP006 in short.

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